~By Sharon Czerwien

I am not normally a publicly “serious” writer when it comes to what I post about my family. (Ha, just look at my Mother’s Day Open Letter that can be read here.)
HOWEVER, I have reaaalllly wanted to write about a specific thing regarding my dad. I figured I would go for it this Father’s Day, and I do not think I will make it through without shedding a few tears along the way!
You see, I have a Father’s Day wish for my dad. I wish he could see what is ingrained in my heart.
First, here is a quick back-drop, though. Years ago, a very frustrating and jaw-dropping thing happened to my dad, to our family. He told me about it over the phone, and I did not have a good response in my heart towards the individual who hurt my dad.
However, my dad was gentle and humble about it. He did not exhibit the response that (humanly-speaking) would have been completely understandable.
Here is what was ingrained in my heart. My dad said, “I have to practice what I have been preaching all of these years.” This phrase is forever sketched in my soul.
I learned a BIG THING while on the phone that evening. It is completely possible, by the grace of God, that in the heat of some awful moment—when life is 'NOT FAIR'—that we can respond in faith. Faith in the sovereign workings of God, faith that He has purpose for our pain, faith that He will see us through, faith that we can endure…
I wish my dad could one day see what an impact his godly response had on me those many years ago. What is even more amazing is that through so many additional trials, my dad continues to show faith. He has spiritually persevered and shown such a lifelong example to me.
My desire is that my own kiddos can see God work in me in similar fashion.
My dad has indeed practiced what he has preached. As a matter of fact, I remember my dad preaching on 1 Peter 1:6-7a years ago:
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ (NKJV).
My dad has been tested with his share of trials over the years, AND he has shown genuine faith. Thank you for your “Most Excellent” example, dad...wink wink.
I just asked him, “Do you want to read Sharon’s Father’s Day blog?”😳 Yes, I, too, am so very proud of his example to so many.