By Debbie Christopher...October ended with an unexpected life event….unexpected, emergency surgery!
I had my husband take me to ER Sunday morning…because I knew something wasn’t ‘right’. It didn’t take the medical staff long to come to the same conclusion. The exploratory procedures began almost immediately.
Unbeknownst to me, I was born with an intestinal defect that waited 65 years to raise its ‘ugly head’. More procedures were performed, and surgery was scheduled for first thing Monday morning.
To be honest, I really didn’t have an opportunity to be scared or nervous. What had to be done, had to be done, and Greg and I chose to take that deep breath and say, “Okay, God” (see Core: Biblical Principles for When Life Gets Bump---chapter 5). Later, Sharon commented, “Wow, mom, you sure were brave!” I’m not sure that’s the word, but…
As they prepped me for surgery, I remember seeing my name on the placard at the foot of my bed. The nurse had decorated it with fancy letters, balloons, and stars. I distinctly remember praying, “Lord, please let me see my name again!”
Praise be to the Creator God and our loving Father, indeed, the next thing I saw was my name on that placard…and according to my family, I had a pretty comical wake up process. But, the thing that began the process was seeing my name!
With the intensity of the surgery involving both my intestines and my stomach, recovery was slow. It took the full five days and the encouragement of my dear family and wonderful nursing staff as well as the prayers of so many faithful friends in order to finally be able to be discharged. Slowly, but surely, I began to regain some strength…but not nearly quickly enough for my psyche.
Yes, Satan messed with my mind those first few days at home…until…
Until, Missionary friend, Gail Gritts, ‘just so happened’ to post the above meme on her social media page at ‘just the right time.’ The first phrase changed my outlook and brought much needed encouragement!
If you wake up feeling fragile, remember, God is not…C.S. Lewis
At the time of this writing, I am feeling MUCH stronger and continuing to make progress. By God’s grace, I am able to do everything I should be doing, although a bit slower than normal and with some residual soreness…but I'm resting in the strength that has overcome the fragileness.
His strength is always greater than our fragility…
Praying for your full recovery! Glad you are on the mend and you have support at home to help out. And God to see you through!!
Amen! I’m so glad you are recovering well.
Awesome message regarding the value of God's strength!
I often wonder what people who do not know the Lord do in times like yours. Isn’t it wonderful that you can trace His hand through the whole process?!