Not This…But This (A quick lesson from Proverbs 1-2)—By Debbie Christopher: A major portion of the Book of Proverbs deals with the topic of wisdom—and the importance of following it. Recently, our pastor preached a series from Proverbs on this topic. He started and ended his series with sermons from Proverbs 1 and 2 as bookends to emphasize and re-emphasize the main point of his series. These bookends fit perfectly with the popular ‘Not This, But This’ diagram.
I came away with a two word phrase that I have applied to my prayer time and would love to share my thoughts with our readers.
Throughout the first two chapters of Proverbs, King Solomon personified wisdom and emphasized the importance of following ‘her’ instruction. In chapter 1:24-32, ‘she’ presents what could be the “Not This” side of the diagram. Take a moment to click on and read the passage and get a feel of the negative side…the consequences of not following Wisdom.
Definitely the NOT THIS option—agree?
Ah! But notice how verse 33 begins…But—
What a beautiful word to see!
“But whoever listens to me will live securely and be free from the fear of danger.”
Proverbs 1:33 HCSB
‘Wisdom’ continues to elaborate on the ‘not this…but this’ admonition into chapter 2…
Did you catch the message Wisdom shouted from the rooftops throughout these two chapters—the ‘but this’ message?
My two word theme of this passage and the main point of my Pastor’s series—FOLLOW WISDOM!
And, yes, I typed it in all caps…to shout it to all. I now use this phrase daily as I pray for myself and my family…especially my Grands…that I/they will choose to follow wisdom…
I encourage each of you to do this….not that!
“But whoever listens to me will live securely and be free from the fear of danger.”
Proverbs 1:33 HCSB
Follow Wisdom!