By Debbie Christopher ~~The other day, while out driving around, I had a thought…a thought that could only be described as a special ‘I love you’ wink from my Heavenly Father. But first, I have a question for you that will lead us towards the lesson learned by that ‘wink’.
Have you ever unselfishly and with a pure heart wanted something and prayed that God would work out the details and timing (although, to you, the timing part meant now)? After all, the Bible does say God will give you the desires of your heart, right??…a study in and of itself.
But God pretty much put things on hold, and you were a little bummed. I see you nodding your head ‘yes’.
Here’s my story---ending with that special ‘wink’.
Back in 2017 my husband and I began considering replacing our SUV. In our (my?) mind it was time. As I started looking at possibilities, one particular model caught my eye, and we began ‘doing the math’.
Until that day in 2018 when our world ‘crashed’, our head-scratching unemployment journey began, and uncertainty set in---the day we claimed Psalm 55:22 and vowed to trust God through this huge life bump. Yes, our hopes of our SUV replacement were thrown out the window…UGH!
Fast track to Spring 2023…
If you read my recent post entitled, “She was Faithful”, you know God blessed beyond our wildest imagination, and He answered that request from way back in 2017.
Yes, a few days ago, while out driving around, I once again saw one of the 2015ish versions of that particular model and commented to my husband as to how much they have changed. It was at this point that God brought this thought to my mind…and, in my imagination, it came with a sweet ‘wink’.
Dear Debbie, I know you really wanted to get that particular vehicle back in 2016/2017...BUT, I knew what the 2023 would look like, and I knew you would absolutely love it---so I put your request on hold and worked out the details so that I could bless you with the updated model instead. Love you girl…’wink, wink’…Never forget that!
I pray I never do forget that, and I wanted you to have the opportunity to consider what God may be doing for you if your special wants may appear to be ‘on hold’.
"I will sing to the Lord because He has treated me generously.”
Psalms 13:6 HCSB
You know, we often turn to the go-to 'wait' verses when we are going through difficult trials and need to wait patiently for the Lord to bring us through--quickly. But, I encourage you to consider the verses below while waiting for God to act in the 'little' things.
This also reminds me…Why didn’t I learn from my own lesson to our son in 'The Mid-Sentence Ouch' posted a couple of years back? Insert wide-eye, crazy-face emoji!
I guess we all need a good reminder from time to time.
Never forget that…
God does creatively work in the wait!